Trees Available

Leyland Cypress
The Leyland Cypress foliage tends to be arranged in irregularly flat planes with dark green color. This is one of the fastest growing screen trees available averaging about 3 feet of growth per year.

Carolina Sapphire
The Carolina Sapphire foliage is bluish-gray color and extremely aromatic. This is one of the fastest growing screen trees available averaging 3 ft to 5 ft of growth per year.

Green Giant Arborvitae
The Green Giant boast dense, rich green foliage that darkens or bronzes in the winter and has a pleasant orange aroma. Growth is vigorously after being established and can withstand heavy ice or snow.

Blue Ice
The Blue Ice features rich silver blue color and is popular with landscapers that require a very upright tree that stands out with other green and gold mix conifers. This tree’s foliage will only spread about 1/4th the height of the tree

Deodar Cedar
The Deodar Cedar is a large stately conifer with horizontal spreading branches and a conical shape. Lower branches bend gracefully downward and then up again. They are used mainly as a focal tree in landscape design.